I love the clothes by Zaara, in random order:
Royal rendevous black, Chandramuhki black, Freespirit red.
RL pictures is India, Herakhan, april 2007
From my diary april 2007:
Bhole Baba ki jay!
I am in Herakhan now for a couple of days. It is so beautifull here! I feel completely in love. It feels like i have been here for ever. The Mahashakti Dhuni is so beautifull I can't even come close to discribing it and the havan in the morning is even more beautifull.
Herakhan, what are the words to discribe her? The beauty of the landscape, the flowers, the birds, the mountains, Gautama Ganga, the river. The simple living, morning baths in the river at 4. The puja's I experience as so blissfull, the energy is devine and clear. Aarti makes me happy and Babaji is everywhere.
I feel like a child, full of expectation and wonder about this place, were heaven and earth meet, a new world opening up to me, views of something grand and unspeakebly beautifull. Tears well up, pain so old runs into joy that is timeless.
De people are sweet. To every question I recieve multiple answers. Stay close to myself. I breath Om namah Shivay and feel it deep inside, flowing in and out again, in a quiet white light of little blue flames. Shiva, my beloved.
Om shanti shanti shanti.